About Us

The Caer Alyn Archaeological Project has grown out of several previous archaeological and community projects that began in 2004, some of which were supported by Heritage Lottery Funding.

Our current project focuses on archaeological and historical research. The Caer Alyn area had been little researched prior to 2004. Our goal is to systematically investigate the fort and the surrounding district to enable a better understanding of the local area and its place in history.

Research and presentation strategies include:

  • Archaeological Excavation
  • Recording
  • Analysis of Artefacts
  • Historical Research
  • Geophysical Survey
  • Experimental Archaeology
  • Talks and displays
  • Publications
  • Academic Collaborations

We have a small team of volunteers who fulfil various roles and have varying levels of archaeological experience. We each bring something different to the table and value a down-to-earth, pragmatic and friendly approach to our work.

We are always looking for new faces to add to our team. We can offer a solid education in archaeological practice, including (but not limited to!) levelling, recording, excavation and good practice. We meet on a regular basis throughout the year and each summer we hold a week-long dig. There is a very reasonable bed and breakfast at Caer Alyn and accommodation can be arranged during this week, though unfortunately we aren’t in a position to subsidise this financially.

We are working towards becoming an approved field school for academic students and we will provide updates as we make progress.

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